Massachusetts Looks To Implement New Swimming Safety Protocols
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) – As the risk of drowning increases every summer, the Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) is about to...
Fenway Vietnam Memorial Vandalized With Red Paint; Police Investigating (7/23/21)
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Police in Boston are investigating after the Vietnam War memorial in the Fenway Rose Garden was vandalized with...
I-93 South Overpass Repairs Now Projected To Take 8 To 12 Months (7/27/21)
MEDFORD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Repairs to the heavily damaged overpass on I-93 South in Medford are now expected to take a lot longer...
Cruise Ships Set Sail in Boston Harbor Again (8/18/21)
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — For the first time since the start of the pandemic, a cruise liner has docked in Boston before setting sail for...
2020 High School Grads Open Premium Sneaker Store
Three 2020 high school grads are finding success in selling, buying & trading sneakers - thanks in part to TikTok/social media.
Film Workers Rally At Mass. State House To Keep Incentive Program
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Members of the Massachusetts film and television production industry gathered in front of the state house...
"The Tent" could prevent spread of airborne disease to EMS
Two men in Natick are working to protect the health of EMS personnel who face the dangers of airborne disease.
USS Constitution Sets Sail In Boston Harbor, First Time In Over A Year
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The world's oldest commissioned naval vessel is welcoming aboard tours to the public. Read more.
It's WooSox Opening Day At Worcester's Polar Park
(WBZ NewsRadio) — The long-awaited day has come in Worcester's Canal District. The home field of the Worcester Red Sox (nicknamed the...